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A story of pirates, smugglers, and the men who came after.


This film is proudly sponsored by:

Athens Scuba Park

Dairy Queen of Tatum

Shadow Chasers Search & Recovery


The Legend

Sometime around 1816, six wagon loads of Spanish silver ingots, allegedly stolen by the pirate Jean Laffite, were being transported through what is now East Texas. Spanish troops caught up with the wagons along a trail near present-day Tatum, Texas. The men, in fear of Spanish retaliation, are said to have hidden the wagons in a nearby body of water. The location was later widely believed to be Hendricks Lake, an oxbow lake formation on the south side of the Sabine River.

Since that time, many parties and individuals have endeavored to find the Lost Treasure of Hendricks Lake, with searches as early as 1884 and as recently as the 1970s. However, all have failed in finding the supposed cache of silver, adding to speculation that the supposed treasure may be cursed.

In 2018, we decided to renew the legend with some information of our own.

To make this film a reality, we are seeking donors to help us meet our minimum budget goal. If you would like to help, our fundraising campaign can be found here.


Brackston with a metal detector

The Film

Documenting the search for legendary treasure.


The Book

Read the untold stories of the Lost Treasure of Hendricks Lake.

Lifeguard stand in Galveston, TX
Ryan walking through a forest

The Team

A community effort, led by a passionate crew.



Contribute to our efforts in uncovering history